The F72568 is a fully compliant ACPI controller IC specific for Intel CPU platform. Used with an ATX power supply, this chip integrates synchronous PWM controller and regulator, several linear controllers, switching signals, monitoring and control function into 48 pin LQFP package. Its operation mode (sleep or active) is selectable through some control signals. The F72568 provides 3 switching signals which can generate 5VDUAL, 5VUSB & 3.3VDUAL etc. The F72568 can also provide 6 linear controllers including VCCVID output with power good signal.
This chip integrates a charge pump engine to provide higher driving voltage for appropriate gate during standby. On the other hand, this chip offers current limiting that protect each PWM outputs, and provides soft-start for linear controller to avoid rush current. The power LED is programmable and compliant with PC2001. Moreover, this high-performance chip integrates I2C interface to adjust VRAM, VTT, LR_PCIE, and LR_3 output. This chip is in 48pin LQFP package and powered by 5VSB.
ACPI compliant sleep state control
Provide 3 switching controlled signals for 5VDUAL, 5VUSB and 3.3VDUAL
Programmable 5VDUAL/5VSTR/5VCC for USB device wake up
Provide 6 linear controller and typically use for –
- 1 channel for Dual power
- 1 channel for PCI_E power
- 3 channels for 0.8~5V voltage requirement
- 1.2V VCCVID with VID_GD signal output
Provide one PWM controller for DDR VDDQ
Provide one PWM regulator for CPU/GMCH VTT termination
1 PWROK input signal(typically from ATXPWOKIN) and 1 PWROK output signal
Provide resume reset signal(RSMRST#)
Programmable power LED control
Provide VREF and VSB9V voltage for generating different voltage use
Power up soft-start and under-voltage monitoring for the linear regulators
Over current protection(OCP) on both PWM controller and regulator
Integrate I2C interface
Provide VREF/1.25V
48 pin LQFP package and 5VSB operation